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Onboarding at Frogslayer: How Core Values & Culture Lead to Client Success

Onboarding Core Values

At Frogslayer, we believe that the foundation of great client relationships and project success begins the moment a new team member joins our firm.

While yes our onboarding includes warmly welcoming new hires and setting them up for success, it’s also a critical step in instilling our core values and culture into every aspect of our work. Over time, we’ve come to believe that this commitment to our team’s growth and well-being is directly reflected in the quality of the solutions we deliver to our clients.

As Office and Events Manager, I’m thankful to play a role in contributing to our onboarding process. Let’s take a look at onboarding through the lens of our Core Values:

  1. Give a Shit
  2. Take Ownership & Act
  3. Act Transparently
  4. Pursue Growth
  5. Pull Together 

Give a Shit

From the second new hires step into the office, they experience a culture that cares deeply—not just about the work we do but about each other. We demonstrate this value by using the day to get to know our new teammates on a personal level.

We organize an onboarding lunch that allows new hires to get to know their team. These lunches are typically held in our workshop area and are filled with conversation. Allowing new hires to get to know the team, including employees across different departments, on a personal level fosters connection and community.

Take Ownership & Act

Our core value to ‘take ownership and act’ is foundational, not only in how we approach our work but also in how we welcome new hires to the firm. This value is deeply embedded in the steps our team takes during the onboarding process, ensuring that every new team member is set up for success.

From offering a position to coordinating onboarding, our HR team meticulously prepares all necessary materials and resources. By taking ownership of these details, our team ensures that new hires can dive straight into learning and contributing without delays.

Act Transparently

Acting transparently means we’re open and honest, truthful to ourselves and others. During new hire orientation, we demonstrate this value by openly discussing our operations, expectations, and how each role impacts our success.

There are no hidden agendas. This openness fosters trust and sets the stage for honest relationships both internally and with our clients.

Pursue Growth

From day one, our employees are highly encouraged to seek growth. On their first day, they are provided with learning and development books their manager chooses specifically for them.

These books are not a part of our Frogslayer Library, a collection of personal and professional development books available to any employee at any time; rather, these onboarding books are for new hires to keep. Because we run on the Entrepreneurial Operating System, a book everyone across the firm receives is What the Heck is EOS? Some other common books included are: 

  • Good to Great by James C. Collins
  • The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni
  • Code Complete by Steve McConnell 

By having a culture that puts such a heavy emphasis on personal and professional growth, we constantly hone our skills; and when we excel at what we do, everybody wins.

Pull Together

At Frogslayer, team success > individual accomplishments. We’re quick to both ask and offer help to each other because we know it’s critical to our mission to provide the best solutions possible for our clients. But pulling together doesn’t exclusively apply to the work we do.

As office and Events Manager, part of my responsibilities involves planning firm-wide events. During onboarding, I give a brief presentation about our culture and community, including some of our favorite employee events. Historically, we’ve had luncheons, tailgates, summer gatherings, and holiday parties. These events strengthen our culture and team.

Final Thoughts

Our onboarding process at Frogslayer is designed to be much more than a series of introductions. It’s our new hires’ first impression of the firm and the culture we’ve built here, and it should accurately reflect the values that guide us. We believe that living out our core values on a day-to-day basis is reflected in the quality of work we deliver to our clients. We’re deeply committed to their success, and we believe that standard starts internally from day one.

As a result of our strong focus on culture and wellbeing, we have one of the lowest attrition rates in the industry, enabling us to solidify our experience and expertise gained across multiple clients and projects throughout the years.

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